History of the 23rd Virginia
On May 3, 1861, Virginia's Governor, John Letcher, called for assembly of Virginia's Volunteer Companies, and by proclamation entreated the citizenry to defend Virginia's borders against a threatened Northern invasion. The same day, General Lee began to issue orders to designated counties and cities to mobilize Virginia volunteers. He also stated in the orders, that as fast as they could be mustered they would then be ordered to report to the camp of instruction near Richmond.
In late May of 1861, the 23rd Virginia Infantry Regiment was organized and began a program of drill and instruction at Camp Lee, located on the current site of the Richmond Fairgrounds. Ten companies enlisted for one year.
A- Louisa Rifles. Enlisted May 15, 1861 at Thompson's
Cross Roads in Louisa county,
Benjamin J. Walton, Captain.
B - Jetersville Grays. Enlisted May 16, 1861 at Jetersville
in Amelia County, John E.
Perkinson, Captain.
C - Amelia Rifles. Enlisted May 15, 1861 at Winterham
in Amelia County,
Andrew V. Scott, Captain.
D - Louisa Grays. Enlisted May 23, 1861 at Trevillian
Station, Louisa County,
William Seargeant, Captain. Mustered in June 30, 1861 at Camp Laurel Hill.
E - Brooklyn Grays. Enlisted May 7, 1861 at Brooklyn,
Halifax County, William
Haymes, Captain.
F - Goochland Grays. Enlisted May 21, 1861 at Manakin, Goochland
William F. Harrison, Captain.
G - Fredrick's Hall Grays. Enlisted April 21, 1861 at Fredrick's Hall,
County, Clayton G. Coleman, Jr., Captain.
H - Richmond Sharpshooters. Enlisted May 14, 1861 at Richmond
City, Robert A.
Tompkins, Captain.
I - Prince Edward Central Guards. Enlisted May 21, 1861, at Prince
Court House, Moses T. Hughes, Captain.
K - Keysville Guards. Enlisted May 2, 1861 at Keysville, Charlotte
Armistead W. Bailey, Captain.
and Staff - A compilation of the Regimental Staff of the 23rd Virginia.
Occupations of the enlisted men were diverse. In Company H (Richmond Sharpshooters) there were bakers, sailors, teamsters, coopers, painters, bricklayers, mechanics, tobacconists, stewards, blacksmiths and many others. In the remaining nine companies, approximately two-thirds were farmers, and of the remaining one-third, carpenters and clerks were dominant.
The first commander was Colonel William Booth Taliaferro who resided in Gloucester County, was a graduate of The College of William and Mary and also studied law at Harvard University. His kinsman, Lt. Colonel Alexander G. Taliaferro, was also assigned to the 23rd VA. He also was a graduate of William and Mary, and was married to a grand daughter of former Chief Justice John Marshall. He resided on the Rapidan River in Culpeper County.
In correspondence home from Camp Lee, Corporal George K. Harlow of Company D wrote that besides almost constant drill, they met and were reviewed by President Jefferson Davis. He also wrote that revivals and prayer meetings were taking place and that the regiment had been issued old flintlock muskets.
The 23rd VA, about 800 strong, was ordered to Northwest VA on June 7, 1861 and departed Richmond on the 9th. The regiment arrived at Camp Laurel Hill in June 19th after a train ride to Staunton and a 120 mile march through the Allegheny Mountains and fell under the command of Brigadier General Robert S. Garnett. At Laurel Hill an outbreak of the measles weakened the garrison. The first member of the 23rd VA to die during service was Fendall Whitlock of Company G. Reinforcements of the 37th VA arrived two and three companies at a time during a period when the Confederates and Federals were bolstering their numbers. Sporadic skirmishing began on July 7 and continued until July 11. The first members of the 23rd to die in action were Private's Charles H. Goff and John H. Blake, both of Company H, and Sgt. John B. Pendleton of Company G, during an action referred to locally as the Battle of Belington. This action and the defeat of other Confederate forces defending Rich Mountain caused Gen. Garnett to determine that his current location was indefensible. The garrison began to withdraw from Laurel Hill. During the retreat the 23rd VA served as the rear guard along with the 1st Georgia. Late in the morning of July 13th, the Confederate column reached Corrick's Ford on the Cheat River. The 23rd VA with Lanier's Artillery were posted high above the river embankment overlooking the ford. They were the principle units engaged in the Battle of Corrick's Ford, mainly a rearguard action. The regiment held the Federal forces in check until its ammunition ran low. Nearly 30 men were killed or wounded in the opening action. The men were ordered to retreat to the next ford where 10 men from Company H were deployed as marksmen. Shortly after they came under fire, and Pvt. Sampson Phillips was killed in the same volley that killed General Garnett, the first Confederate General Officer to die in the conflict. The regiment caught up with the main body and continued the retreat toward Maryland. During the exhausting retreat until they reached Monterrey on July 18th, some 165 miles, men weren't able to eat very much and consequently men fell out because of fatigue and sickness. The men then retreated to McDowell. Approximate casualties for the Battle of Corrick's Ford were 13 killed and 15 wounded. About 50 were captured either during the battle or the retreat. Shortly after, the men were then ordered back to Monterrey and fell under the command of Gen. William Loring, who was given command of the Army of the Northwest.
On July 20 General W. W. Loring was assigned to command the force at Monterey, designated as the Army of the Northwest. On July 23 the regiment was reported at McDowell, and on August 16 it was ordered to move to the Greenbrier River on the Monterey Line. Upon its arrival the regiment was stationed at Camp Bartow, near where the Parkersburg pike crosses the Greenbrier River. The forces on this end of the Monterey Line were under General Henry R. Jackson, while General Loring commanded the forces opposing the Federals in the vicinity of Cheat Mountain. On September 8 the 23rd Regiment was assigned to the 5th Brigade, Colonel William B. Taliaferro commanding, Army of the Northwest. Remaining at Camp Bartow, the regiment took part in the movements of General Jackson's command during the Cheat Mountain campaign, September 11-17, 1861. According to the plan of attack, General Jackson was to advance his entire force. General Jackson advanced and gained the first summit, but withdrew after Colonel Rust's attack failed to develop. Jackson's force returned to Camp Bartow, where it remained when General Loring moved with a portion of his army to support General Floyd in the Kanawha Valley area.
While General Loring was absent with a portion of his command, General Joseph J. Reynolds, commanding the Federal force at Cheat Mountain, decided to advance against General Jackson's positions at Camp Bartow. On October 3 the Federals succeeded in driving in the Confederate pickets, but were unsuccessful in their efforts to cross the Greenbrier River and storm Camp Bartow. The Richmond Sharpshooters were engaged during the battle and lost one man wounded. The Federal attack hastened General Loring's return from the Kanawha Valley area. Taliaferro's Brigade, consisting of the 1st Georgia, 3rd Arkansas, 37th Virginia, and 23rd Virginia, was ordered to garrison Monterey on November 22. From Monterey the brigade moved to join General T. J. Jackson's command at Winchester early in December, along with the balance of Loring's army.
With his force, General Jackson moved to reoccupy Romney. On January 2, 1862, he advanced on Bath and occupied the town on the 3rd and 4th. After bombarding Hancock on the 5th, Jackson moved on Romney and occupied the town on January 10. Leaving Loring's army at Romney, Jackson returned with his original force to Winchester. However, early in February, Jackson was directed by the Secretary of War to order Loring's command back to Winchester. With the commands united, Jackson withdrew from Winchester on March 11 and retired to Woodstock., He then moved on a Federal force at Kernstown where he was engaged on March 23. Now brigaded with the 37th Virginia, under Colonel S. V. Fulkerson; who was commanding the brigade, the 23rd Virginia was actively engaged at Kernstown, losing three killed, fourteen wounded, and thirty-two missing. After an unsuccessful attempt to drive the Federals, Jackson retired to Newtown.
After the action at Kernstown, Jackson, now reinforced by Ewell's command, moved down the Shenandoah Valley. At this time the 23rd Regiment was reported in Taliaferro's Brigade, Army of the Valley, and participated in Jackson's famous Valley Campaign. After defeating the Federals at McDowell on May 8, where the 23rd Regiment lost six killed and thirty-five wounded, Jackson moved against a Federal force at Front Royal and defeated it on May 23. On May 25, at Winchester, Jackson routed the Federals under General Banks. Jackson then withdrew up the valley to avoid being cut off and to meet a Federal thrust from western Virginia. The regiment was engaged at Port Republic on June 8-9 when Jackson defeated General Shields.
With the defeat of the Federals in the Shenandoah Valley and the presence of McClellan's army in front of Richmond, General Lee ordered Jackson to move to Richmond for an attack on McClellan's right. The series of battles which followed succeeded in driving McClellan from in front of the capital are known as the 'Seven Days'. Throughout this campaign, June 26-July 1, the 23rd Regiment served in Taliaferro's Brigade, Jackson's Division, Jackson's command, and lost six men wounded.
After the engagements around Richmond, Lee dispatched Jackson's command to confront a Federal force under General John Pope moving in the direction of Gordonsville. On July 23, the 23rd, Regiment, under Colonel Alex G. Taliaferro, was reported in Brigadier General William B. Taliaferro's Brigade, Jackson's Division, Jackson's command. Moving with Jackson's command, the regiment was actively engaged at Cedar Mountain on August 9, when Jackson defeated Pope's advance. During the battle the regiment lost three killed and fifteen wounded.
Lee, finding McCellan evacuating the Peninsula and moving to reinforce Pope, determined to join Jackson in an effort to defeat Pope before he could be reinforced. A move was made on August 21, but Pope retired behind the Rappahannock. Sending Jackson around Pope's right to attack his base of supply at Manassas Junction, Lee reasoned that Pope would retire to protect his line of supply. Jackson executed the move and retired to Groveton. Pope retired to confront Jackson, and Lee moved with Longstreet to join Jackson. These moves resulted on a Confederate victory in the Battle of Second Manassas, August 29-30, during which the 23rd Regiment lost-one-killed and thirteen wounded.
Lee now determined to move his army into Maryland, and the 23rd Regiment, still serving in Jackson's Division (now commanded by General J. R. Jones), encamped near Frederick, Md., on August 7. Three days later the regiment moved with Jackson to capture Harper's Ferry, which surrendered on the 15th. Jackson left one division to carry out the necessary administrative work while he marched with the rest of his command .to join the army at Sharpsburg.
Arriving on the field at Sharpsburg on the 16th Jackson's command was ordered to the left of the Confederate line. On the morning of the 17th Jackson's troops bore the brunt of the initial Federal assault. Heavily engaged, the 23rd Regiment later reported a loss of eight killed and thirty-five wounded.
Lee retired from Sharpsburg during the night of September 18-19 and moved his army to the vicinity of Winchester where it was allowed to receive a much needed rest. However the rest was not for all as may be seen in this letter from Clayton Coleman to his sister.
Winchester (Virginia), Sept 17th/62
My dear LucyYour very kind and interesting letter to Anna, bearing date 9th inst., has just come to hand today through the hand of Mr. Howard, who came up from Orange, and although Louise had recd one of a later date from Fannie, yet I do assure you it was read with the greatest interest.
I have been here now since the 16th, at which time I came from Maryland. We or rather I was in Md ten days, during which time I was in Frederick City and Hagerstown. In the former county we were recd with a good deal of kind feeling, but with not so much in the latter (Washington Co.), as that county had already furnished 14 companies to the Federal Army, 11 of which surrendered at Harpers Ferry. I suppose you have heard of the surrender of 13000 to Gen. Jackson with any quantity of arms, stores &c.
But the hottest battle of the war was fought near Sharpsburg Md. on the 17th inst. The battle lasted all day and the loss was terrific on both sides, the enemy fighting with more desperation than ever before. We call it a victory and the Yankees did so at first too; we held the ground and both sides were too much worsted to renew the fight next day. We fell back across the Potomac and the enemy then commenced shelling us and boasted that they had driven us across. They acknowledge the loss of sixteen generals. We had two generals killed and ten wounded.
Winchester has been perfectly crowded with the wounded---there having been more than 3000 here at one time and continually passing through. The N. Y. Tribune says if we had followed them, their army wd have been annihilated, and Gen. Lee says he could have done so with 5000 more fresh troops. But men had been marched so much and were so broken down, that we had 60,000 stragglers.
Our Army is now between Martinsburg and Williamsport and along the river. Our brigade lost eight out of ten in the last fight, and my company lost 22 out of 23 men. I don't suppose you have heard of any of the killed in the different fights; well they are so many that I could not begin. Cols. Botts, Neff and Baylor of the 1st Brigade were killed in the battles at Manassas. Every one of your acquaintances in the 4th Alabama and 11th Mississippi were either killed or wounded and indeed I reckon it is almost the case in every Regiment. Joe Sherrard is a 1st Lieut in a cavalry company.
I am going into the Medical Department and expect to go to Richmond next week for that purpose. We are staying at your Aunt Ann's and the house is crowded with wounded.
Sunday 20th. Anna having stopped me from writing last night, I will finish my epistle this morning. We have just returned from church, where we heard service from Mr. Meredith and a most elaborate sermon from a Mr. Scott. Our army is at Bunker Hill, and it is thought we will have another fight there or about this place. Although I have been sick, yet I have had my hands full attending to the wounded; on the first day I dressed 43 wounds and since that time I have had 27 under my charge. Even the sidewalks of the streets are full of wounded and there is a great scarcity of surgeons, and no place for their accommodation. There are now 6000 wounded here.
Anna and I leave here for Louisa on Tuesday, whence I shall go to Richmond to stand examination before the board. Your Uncle Joe speaks of taking a house at Capon Springs and sending his family up there. Louise says if the enemy occupt V. again she will stay a short time to get some articles of clothing, which cannot be procured now, and them come out into our lines.
In late October, McClellan moved his army across the Potomac River east of the Blue Ridge. Lee divided his army and moved Longstreet east of the mountains, leaving Jackson in the Shenandoah valley to guard the mountain passes and threaten McClellan's communications.
On November 9 General Ambrose E. Burnside assumed command of the Federal army and began shifting the army toward Fredericksburg. Lee moved Longstreet to that town and succeeded in occupying the heights just west of it before Burnside's army was up, thus preventing him from taking the town. Jackson was ordered from the Valley when it was determined that Burnside intended a move on Richmond from Fredericksburg. Jackson's force was placed south of the town to guard avenues of advance should Burnside determine to move south, avoiding a crossing a Fredericksburg. When Burnside began crossing the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg on December 11, Lee moved Jackson up on Longstreeet's right to extend his line southward along the heights just west of town. Taliaferro's Brigade, now commanded by Colonel E. T. H. Warren, 10th Virginia, was moved to Hamilton's Crossing and placed "in rear of the Hamilton House, in support of the batteries on the hill." Burnside lauched his attack on December 13 and failed to break through the Confederate line. Taliaferro's Brigade remained in rear of the Hamilton House, and "saw nothing of the enemy." Defeated, Burnside withdrew to the north bank of the Rappahannock. After the battle, Taliaferro's Brigade was moved to Skinker's Neck, where it went into winter quarters.
In April 1863 General Raleigh E. Colston was assigned to command Taliaferro's old brigade, and on April 29 the brigade moved from Skinker's Neck to Hamilton Crossing as Lee regrouped his army to meet General Hooker's move up the north bank of the Rappahannock. After crossing the river, Hooker moved his army to Chancellorsville where he halted to prepare his advance on the rear of Lee's lines at Fredericksburg. Lee had made his dispositions to meet Hooker, and May 1 Jackson's command moved to reinforce the forces opposing Hooker after a spirited engagement.
During the night of May 1-2 Jackson moved his command across Hooker's Front and came up on his right flank. Jackson deployed his troops into three lines, Colston's Brigade going into position in the second line to the right of the turnpike. Late in the afternoon of May 2, Jackson's forces drove in Hooker's right and advanced until strong Federal resistance, darkness, and confusion resulting from the intermingling of units when Jackson's first two lines became one, forced confederates to discontinue the advance and dig in.
On the 3rd, Lee's two wings united and succeeded on driving the Federals from Chancellorsville. Hooker withdrew his troops to a defensive position north of Chancellorsville and Lee was forced to withdraw troops to confront a federal force under General John Sedgwick moving toward Chancellorsville, only to find that Hooker had withdrawn across the Rapidan and was in the process of moving back to his old position across the river at Fredericksburg. Lee then withdrew his command and reoccupied his old positions at Fredericksburg. The 23rd Regiment was actively engaged throughout the Chancellorsville campaign, and reported a loss of ten killed, seventy wounded, and two missing.
Following Jackson's death, the Army of Northern Virginia was reorganized into three corps. On May 28 General Colston was relieved and Brigadier General George H. Steuart was assigned to command the brigade, which was now in major General Edward Johnson's Division, Ewell's Corps.
On the move into Pennsylvania the 23rd Regiment was assigned to guard the division trains as the division broke camp near Hamilton's Crossing on June 3. The regiment therefore, did not participate in the fight at Winchester on June 14-15. Moving with Ewell's Corps, the division crossed the Potomac at Boteler's Ford on June 18. At Greencastle, Pa., Steuart's Brigade was ordered to McConnellsburg to collect horses, cattle, and other supplies, and rejoined the division at Carlisle. General Johnson reported that on June 19 the division "countermarched to Greenville, thence eastwardly, via Scotland, to Gettysburg, not arriving in time, however, to participate in the action of the 1st instant."
As Ewell's Corps arrived on the field at Gettysburg, it formed the left of Lee's army. Late on the 2nd, Ewell ordered General Johnson to move against the Federals on Culp's Hill; and Steuart's Brigade, on the left of Johnson's line of advance, was the only brigade to make a lodgment during the bitter late evening and night fighting. Early the next morning a Federal attack was repulsed which was followed by a Confederate attack across Pardee's Field. This attack failed and Ewell's men broke off the fighting as Pickett's men prepared to assault the Federal center. Following the repulse of this attack, Lee determined to retire. On the night of July 4-5 the Army of Northern Virginia began the long march back to Virginia. The 23rd Virginia was tasked as part of the rear guard. By August 31, 1863 the regiment was encamped near Orange Court House, Va.
The activities of the Richmond Sharpshooters for the balance of 1863, which included the Bristoe and Mine Run campaigns, were reported by the company clerk of company H on the muster rolls as follows:
September- October 1863, dated October 31, 1863 Station: near Brandy Station
This company marched from camp near Orange Court House to camp near Raccoon Ford about the 18 or 19 September 1863-- distance twenty-five miles. On the 8th day of October the company marched from there to Bristoe Station, Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and then marched back to the present camp, arriving about the 22nd October 1863. This company was not engaged in battle, a portion only being engaged in a skirmish without losing any men. Distance in last named march, eighty miles.
November-December 1863,-dated January 1, 1864 Station: Camp in the field
This regiment was engaged at the battle of Panes (Payne's) Farm- no one hurt- November 27. Laid in line of battle five days on Mine Run. Nothing else worthy of note transpired in the past two months.
In fact the 23rd Virginia suffered 6 killed, 3 mortally wounded, 15 wounded and 2 captured. One of those killed was Lt. Col. Simeon Walton, the regimental commander. His place was taken by John Fitzgerald who remained in command until Appomattox. The battle of Payne's Farm was short, violent and confused, but it can be said that Johnson's Division saved the day by stopping the Federal advance in it's tracks.
Early in January 1864 the regiment went into winter quarters near Pisgah Church. On February 6 it was engaged with the enemy at Morton's Ford, and returned to camp after the enemy retired. On February 29 the company clerk of company H reported that "every man of this company re-enlisted for the war that was present at the time the proposition was made to the regiment." On May 1, 1864 the company left its winter quarters to go on picket at Morton's Ford. While there, orders were received to "march in the direction of Fredericksburg."
The regiment moved to oppose Grant in the Wilderness. Blocked in his efforts to turn Lee's flank in the Wilderness, Grant moved toward Spotsylvania Court House. As the advance of Grant's army arrived at Spotsylvania Court House it found the way blocked by elements of Lee's army. Both commanders concentrated their armies at Spotslyvania. In establishing his defensive line, Lee adhered to the terrain. At one point his line resembled a muleshoe. General Edward Johnson's Division occupied the trenches in that portion of the line. In a pre-dawn attack on May 12 Grant's forces succeeded in penetrating Johnson's line and overran the Confederate position, taking many prisoners, including Generals Johnson and Steuart. The Confederates succeeded in closing the breech, but not before the Federals had moved their prisoners to the rear. During this engagement the 23rd Regiment was shattered and the regimental flag was captured.
On May 14 the remnants of the Virginia regiments of Johnson's Division were consolidated into a brigade and attached to General Early's Division. On May 19 Brigadier General William Terry was assigned to command the brigade, still in Early's Division, which was now commanded by Major General John B. Gordon. By the end of May, General Early was assigned to command Ewell's Corps because of the latter's absence due to illness. Thus, by the end of May, the remnants of the 23rd Regiment were in Terry's Brigade, Gordon's Division, Early's (Ewell's , Jackson's old) Corps.
Remaining with the Army of Northern Virginia, the regiment now moved with Gordon's Division as Lee moved to block Grant at North Anna, Hanover Junction, and Cold Harbor.
On June 12 General Early was ordered to proceed with his corps to reinforce General John C. Breckinridge in the Shenandoah Valley, who was retiring before a superior Federal force under General David Hunter. Arriving at Lynchburg, Early's troops joined those under Breckinridge in defense of that place on June 18. Hunter then retired westward and Early began moving down the Valley after an unsuccessful attempt to overtake Hunter.
At Staunton, on June 26, Gordon's Division was temporarily attached to Breckinridge's command, and moved under that officer on the campaign to Washington. On July 9 Gordon's Division was actively engaged at the Battle of Monocacy. Following this victory, Early moved on Washington, arriving before the defenses of the city in the evening of the 10th. Finding the defenses strengthened by reinforcements, Early withdrew back into the Shenandoah Valley.
At Winchester, on September 19, Early's forces were driven from their positions around the town, and on the 22nd were again driven from a defensive position at Fisher's Hill. Retiring up the valley Early reorganized his small army.
Breckinridge left the army under orders to return to the Department of Southwestern Virginia, leaving his divisions under Early. In October; Early advanced against the Federals under Sheridan, and on October 19 assaulted the Federal positions at Cedar Creek. Although initially successful, the Confederate attack was halted by a Federal stand. Counterattacking, Sheridan's forces routed Early's command.
The movements of the period covered on one of the muster rolls were reported as follows:
- - - From Richmond it marched to Salem via Charlottesville and Lynchburg, and then down the Valley via Lexington and Winchester within a few miles of Washington City, engaging in various fights and skirmishes, Kernstown (July 23-24), Monocacy (July 9), etc., etc., losing one killed. Was engaged at Winchester (September 19), Fisher's Hill (September 22), and Cedar Creek (October 19), and then marched to New Market where it is now in camp.
From April 30 to October 31 the company had
"marched in all about 1,200 miles." Gordon's Division broke camp at New
Market on December 6 under orders to rejoin the main army in the Richmond-Petersburg
defenses. Marching via Harrisonburg, the division took the train from Waynesboro
on the 9th. From Richmond the troops moved to Petersburg where they went
into the lines. The Richmond Sharpshooters went into winter quarters near
Burgess' Mill, Dinwiddie County. On January 10, 1865, when the November-December
1864 muster roll was made out, the company was still in winter quarters
near Burgess' Mill, and only six privates were reported present. When the
Petersburg lines were evacuated on April 2, the remnants of the 23rd Virginia
joined the retreat westward. Only fifty five members of the regiment remained
to be paroled at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
PLACE DATE POW WNDD MRTWD KIA TOTAL Laurel Hill 7/7-11/61 2 2 3 7 Corrick's Ford 7/13/61 50 9 2 13 74 Cheat Mountain 9/12/61 2 2 Greenbriar River 10/3/61 2 2 Kernstown 3/23/62 32 12 1 2 47 McDowell 5/8/62 8 8 Winchester 5/20-25/62 8 8 Strasburg 5/6/62 8 8 Seven Days 6/26-7/1/62 4 4 Cedar Mountain 8/9/62 22 3 4 29 Manassas 8/28-30/62 16 2 1 19 Sharpsburg 9/17/62 13 18 3 11 45 Fredricksburg 12/62 2 1 3 Chancellorsville 5/2-3/63 4 28 7 11 50 Gettysburg 7/1-3/63 24 2 2 28 Bealton 10/26/63 1 1 Payne's Farm 11/27/63 2 15 3 6 26 Wilderness 5/5-6/64 1 13 1 7 22 Spotsylvania 5/10-12/64 147 4 2 153 Valley, Md. 7/64 2 5 2 9 Valley 8/64 4 4 Fisher's Hill 9/64 8 7 15 Cedar Creek 10/64 11 2 13 Hatcher's Run 2/65 4 4 Ft. Stedman 3/25/65 18 6 1 2 27 Petersburg 4/12/65 4 4 Retreat 4/3-7/65 9 9 Appomattox 4/9/65 55 55 TOTALS 393 218 27 72 710 238 men out of 1090 gave their lives while serving in the 23rd