Company H - Richmond Sharpshooters

Organized early in May 1861, the Richmond Sharpshooters enlisted on May 14 for one year with Robert A. Tompkins as captain. Soon after being mustered in, the company was assigned to the 23rd Regiment Virginia Infantry as Company H.




Tompkins, Robert A.

DePriest, Emmett E.


Baber, Edward S., 2nd Lieut.

Crump, Edward C., 2nd Lieut.

DePriest, Clinton, 2nd Lieut.

Jarvis, R. H., 2nd.Lieut.

Jones, James W. L., 1st Lieut.

Ludman, Christian, 1st Lieut.

Wilson, John J., 2nd Lieut.


Allen, William L. Pvt.

Alley, John B. Pvt.

Allumes, James, Pvt.

Beazley, Cornelius C. Pvt.

Beazley, Joseph W. Pvt.

Blake, John H. Pvt.

Bland, Ira R. Pvt.

Brandt, William, Pvt.

Briquet, Samuel, Pvt.

Brooke, Charles B. Pvt.

Brown, N. C. Pvt.

Burch, James, Pvt.

Burch, William R. Pvt.

Burke, Francis, Pvt.

Burns, John W. Pvt.

Carline; Philip, Pvt.

Chappell, John T. Corp.

Childress, Charles P. Pvt.

Clarke, William T. Pvt.

Cousins, Thomas E. Pvt.

Crowley, James, Pvt.

Davis, William J. Pvt.

Dittell, Ferdinand, Pvt.

Eggleston, William H. Pvt.

Faudree, Joseph J. Sgt.

Folkes, Thomas H. Pvt.

Ford, Fleming H. Pvt.

Fordham, Edward, Pvt.

Freitag, A. Theodore, Sgt.

Fulton, Robert A. Pvt.

Fuqua, Richard H. Pvt.

Gentry, Watkins, L. Pvt.

Goff, Charles H. Pvt. 

Griffin, John H. Pvt.

Groeber, Adolph, Pvt.

Hardiman, Richard H. Pvt.

Harris, William H. Pvt.

Haupt, Simon, Pvt.

Hetzler, Frederick, Pvt.

Hickey, William E., Pvt.

Higgason, Morgan, Pvt.

Hoffnagle, Edward H. Pvt.

Hoffnagle, John, Pvt.

Horwell, Charles, N. Pvt.

Johnson, Alfred, Pvt.

Johnson, J. J. Pvt.

Jordan, William B. Pvt.

Kell, Jacob, Pvt.

Langford, Charles, H. Pvt.

Larkin, John, Pvt.

L'Ecuyer, Anthony P. Sgt.

Lindsay, George W. Sgt.

Lynch, John, Pvt.

Mahoney, William E. Pvt. .

Martin, Charles, Pvt.

Mattern, George T. Pvt.

McDowell, Alonzo, Pvt.

McGann, Thomas, Pvt.

McKinney, Icelius, Pvt.

McRae, Arthur N. Pvt.

Miller, Charles, Pvt.

Miller, George, Pvt.

Minter, James H. Pvt.

Mitchell, James H. Pvt.

Mull, Watson D. Pvt.

Mundie, James M. Pvt.

Murphy, Patrick, Pvt.

Nichols, John J. Pvt.

Normant, Samule W. Pvt.

Parcley, Philip, Pvt.

Parcley, Solomon, Pvt.

Pearman, Robert H. Pvt.

Perrin, Henry A. Pvt.

Phillips, Sampson, Pv.t

Puryear, Henry H. Pvt.

Rhinehardt, Gustavus, Pvt.

Richardson, William J. Pvt.

Roach, James, Pvt. ,

Roberts, Johm Pvt.

Ryan, Robert E. J. Pvt.

Schofield, John Pvt.

Schwartz, George, Pvt.

Sheppard, John Pvt.

Snead, John Pvt.

Snyder, John, Pvt.

Tills, Joseph S. Pvt.

Tompkins, Herbert B. Pvt.

Turner, James H. Pvt.

Tyler, John H. Pvt.

Wall, Frank, Pvt.

Watkins, William H. Pvt.

Waul, William C. Pvt.

Williamson, Charles L. Pvt.

Wingfield, William J. Sgt.

Wright, John A. Pvt.

Wynant, Richard Pvt.

Wynant, William, Pvt.








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